Junior High School

Junior High School

It’s an exciting experience.

Our curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum of England and is adapted to maximize the opportunities which exist here in Nigeria. Our school Is a Happy, Lively, and Vibrant Place that Provides a Friendly, Safe and supportive learning environment for students. We ensure that the students in our care develop the academic and social skills necessary to prepare them for life-long learning. We encourage students to work hard, create opportunities for success, and creative and critical thinkers.

We rattle the stars

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.

Our staff are qualified, experienced and hold a recognized university degree in their chosen field as well as an appropriate teaching qualification. They are involved in regular professional development. Our student to instructor ratio is low; Keen British School instructors are able to adapt their methods and teaching styles to suit the needs of individual pupils.

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